請問各位旅遊達人 是否有人住過京都的旅館 "GRAND JAPANING HOTEL 黒門三条" ? 我在booking.com上面訂了這家旅館,旅館有用郵件來請我先線上付款 發信人是 [email protected] 裡面的聯絡郵件是[email protected] 跟我第一次收到的preregistration e-mail的郵件裡面聯絡郵件不一樣(郵箱網域) [email protected] 感覺有點怪...而且www.japaninghotel.com進去好像是土地開發商的介紹 = =? (日文不是很懂,只看得懂簡單的東西) 郵件內文如下 [email protected] Thank you for your reservation at GRAND JAPANING HOTEL KuromonSanjo. This hotel has a prepayment system and we kindly ask our guests to pay in advance following our booking policy. Please proceed to your payment to click the following link: https://hotel.force.com/HS_PaymentSelect?id=a08xxxxxxxxxxxx (我把後面id的資訊給碼掉了 xxxx) 所以想問住過這家旅館的人是否都是線上刷卡付款呢? 是的話,是在這個網站(https://hotel.force.com/)付款嗎? 我有發郵件去問[email protected] 後來回信給我如下 Thank you for staying with us. Your payment has not been received so as the email from your Hotel Kuromon Sanjo requried for you. We ask to our customers to pay by the link but if there is a problem with it you have to come to the Japaning information center nearby kyoto station and we are going to help you. If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact us again. 謝謝~!

本文引用自: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Japan_Travel/M.1559051841.A.E36.html

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